The Ambassadors of 7 CONTINENTS

In addition to Norman himself, the thoughts of 7 CONTINENTS are also carried into the world by the ambassadors. These well-known people stand behind the idea of Norman and his project and actively support him.

Thomas Dold
Thomas DoldSports entrepreneur, speaker, mental trainer
Young people have a huge energy and a lot of potential. Those who manage to use this potential for themselves and society are a great asset for everyone. To know at the crossroads of life that there is no right or wrong gives courage to everyone. The courage to move forward. And that is exactly what is important. Getting ahead with yourself and the others.

I am pleased that Norman is creating a connection through sports, bringing movement and creating a lot of exchange. And maybe also that some children will not only go forward, but will find a shortcut for themselves.

Axel E. Fischer
Axel E. FischerMember of the German Bundestag for the constituency of Karlsruhe-Land
Dr. Martin Luther once stated: “Youth is like must. It can’t be held. It must ferment and overflow.”

That is why I am delighted about the profound, stimulating and extensive collection of statements by young people that Mr. Bücher has collected on his journey around the globe. It illustrates the nature of youth, who are not as happy as one thinks, whose souls are still open to all the horrors of the imagination, the pains of longing, without enjoying the power of reason to direct these affects.

Daniel Caspary
Daniel CasparyMember of the European Parliament
I am glad that I was able to give the starting signal for the project 7 CONTINENTS, because the future of our youth and children means a lot to me.